EuADS Summer School – Data Science for Explainable and Trustworthy AI
The European Association for Data Science organises a summer school Data Science for Explainable and Trustworthy AI Wednesday June 7th to Friday June 9th 2023

Warsaw Special Seminar
Prof. Wolfgang Haerdle, compared the effectiveness of GARCH models, machine learning and deep learning algorithms in risk modeling on the example of cryptocurrencies. Yifu Wang discussed the

2023 starts with super cool CourseLets (CL) on quantinar.com
Application of standard asset pricing models like CAPM on cryptocurrencies and testing of efficiency via Generalized Method of Moments (GMM).

2023 starts with super cool CourseLets (CL) on quantinar.com
Rui REN, Zijin WANG HU Berlin and Wei Baio WU, Chicago U, apply network theory to a stock market network. Network risk is decomposed into

2023 starts with super cool CourseLets (CL) on quantinar.com
Brief introduction on the mathematics behind the popular machine learning tool called Support Vector Machine (SVM): the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space.

New courselets on Quantinar
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