Our international network
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
He is the theoretical core driver behind the project and gives scientific advice.
- Email:haerdle@hu-berlin.de
Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen
She studies the econometric models for the CRIX family and applies the text mining techniques to digital currencies.
Alla Petukhina
Her research interests are focused on asset allocation strategies in crypto-currencies market.
Michael Burda
- Labor Economics
- Macroeconomics
- European Integration
- Email:burda@wiwi.hu-berlin.de
Thorsten Hens
- Evolutionary Finance
- Behavioral Finance
- Email:thorsten.hens@bf.uzh.ch
Claudio Tessone
- Collective effects induced by heterogeneity in social and economic systems
- Network formation
- Effects of network topology in global dynamics
- Topology and effects of temporal networks
- Complex socio-economic and socio-technical systems
- Blockchain-based systems
Daniel Traian Pele
- Email:danpele@ase.ro
Piotr Wójcik
Bruno Spilak
2019 - present
PhD student in Statistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2016 – 2017
M. Sc. in Economics, Maastricht University
2013 – 2016
B. Sc. in Economics, University of Cologne
Research Interest
- Time Series Econometrics
- Applied Statistics
- Quantitative Finance
- Market Regulation
Min-Bin Lin
His research interests center on simulation for decision making, optimization algorithms, and data (process) analytics. Personal website: https://www.minbinlin.com/
Katarina Adam
Research Interest
- Process analytics and optimisation
- Token Economy
Stefan Lessmann
Huei-Wen Teng
- Email:hwteng@nycu.edu.tw
Raul Cristian Bag
- Email:bagcrist@hu-berlin.de
A think-tank and research community
We aim to study crypto-assets and investigate implications of blockchain technology, to facilitate a better understanding and development of digital economy. The BRC serves as a platform for academia and industry practitioners for scientific discussions and collaborations.
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Excellence Record
We would like to express our wholeheartedly wish to be able to continue our long standing cooperations regarding our research on the Blockchain.
Professional knowledge
Dedicated team of economists, management scholars, legals scholars, computer scientists and risk-taking economy experts.
Contact us
Feel free to contact us for cooperation opportunities, if you embrace a link to the future infinity.